Modern Rehabilitation Technology-Vortex Spa System
spa, is a kind of use of the physical and chemical properties of water and the principle of human affinity to water, created by the beneficial physical and mental health of the new era of recuperation theory.
Since ancient times, people all over the world have believed that "water can prevent and treat diseases", and "water can cure diseases" has received special attention in modern medical circles. As early as the Tang Dynasty in China, the Yuqing Pool, which was the imperial concubine Yang, dominated the Sea of the Dead after the Egyptian demons of the ancient Roman era and sent troops to attack other coastal countries for their purpose. In 1924, Hubbard LeRoy created the Hubbert Trough (butterfly bath) and hosted the famous hydrotherapy patient Roosevelt (who later became President of the United States). In the 1960 s, two major advances were made in basic hydrotherapy research: water was seen as a wonderful alternative to weightlessness in space; and a water bath was the best way to simulate the expansion of central body fluids. After the mid-1980s, due to the rise of rehabilitation medicine and the enhancement of people's awareness of health care, the value of spa rehabilitation has been continuously presented. The buoyancy of water can reduce the pressure on joints, and the resistance of water changes with the speed of limb movement. Therefore, water exercise is much safer than ground exercise. It is because of these unique advantages of spa, many hospitals in Europe and the United States rehabilitation center has a spa room.
hydrotherapy according to the need to determine the condition of the bath temperature, methods and drugs, such as high temperature whole body starch bath. Mineral spring baths are also hydrotherapy, but generally belong to the scope of recuperation. Clinical commonly used bath treatment of autonomic nerve dysfunction, neurosis, systemic skin diseases, arthritis, etc., whirlpool bath water movement treatment of motor dysfunction, nervous system diseases, shower, jet bath, cold water bath is used to enhance physical fitness.
the use of a variety of physical properties of water, the role of the human body will produce the following effects:
thermal effect: warm water can promote blood circulation, metabolism, relax muscles, soften soft tissue, etc.
cold effect: cold water can reduce pain, anti-inflammatory, anti-edema and so on.
buoyancy: the use of water buoyancy to share part of the weight, more easily exercise, as a movement of power.
water pressure: eliminate edema, muscle strength training of one of the sources of resistance.
viscosity (from the attraction between water molecules): viscosity can be regarded as one of the resistance sources of muscle strength training in water. When exercising in water, resistance should be considered together with buoyancy (boost), and appropriate exercise skills should be used to give patients buoyancy or resistance depending on the patient's needs.
mechanical effect: produce vortex (turbulence), can be used to clean open wound scab and old application, etc.
the human body is an organic unity. Spa has a variety of stimulating factors, so the human body can show a complex combination of effects, including skin, cardiovascular, neuromuscular, endocrine, heat exchange and recovery process after fatigue. These effects can be local or systemic. Hydrotherapy has a benign stimulus to the sensory endings, and hydrotherapy can improve vascular function. Promote local and systemic circulation, hydrotherapy has the effect of relaxing muscles and relieving spasm, hydrotherapy uses chemical factors to regulate the body, hydrotherapy can activate the skin and visceral coupling relationship, hydrotherapy is conducive to the biochemical reaction and immune process in the body.
on the skin
the skin is rich in blood vessels and nerve endings, the contraction or expansion of skin blood vessels has a great impact on the blood distribution in the body. For example, when the skin capillaries are expanded, they can accommodate the 1/3 blood of the human body. There are also a large number of nerve endings of spinal nerves and autonomic nerves on the skin. Stimulation of peripheral nerves can affect the function of central nerves and internal organs, achieving anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antipyretic, hypnosis, excitement, sweating, diuresis, and relieve spasm., Promote metabolism, improve nervous system regulation and other purposes.
on the cardiovascular system
this depends on the temperature of sleep, the duration of action and the intensity of stimulation. Cold bath when the initial capillary contraction, heart beat acceleration, blood pressure rise, but soon after the expansion of blood vessels, heart beat slow, blood pressure drop, immediately reduce the burden on the heart, so as to enhance myocardial capacity, improve myocardial nutrition. Warm water bath will make blood vessels dilate, heart beat faster, blood pressure decreased, to achieve blood redistribution in the body. The hot bath causes the blood pressure to rise and then fall, and then rise again, strengthening the heart's compensatory capacity.
on the Muscle System
short-term cold stimulation can improve muscle stress ability, increase muscle strength and reduce fatigue. Long-term cold stimulation can cause the temperature in the tissue to decrease, muscle stiffness and difficulty in activity. Warm action can relieve muscle spasm, improve muscle working ability and reduce fatigue. At the same time, under the action of heat, blood vessels dilate, blood oxygen increase and metabolic tachycardia are conducive to the elimination of muscle fatigue.
on the urinary system
cold stimulation to reduce the amount of urine, cold bath when sweating less, which makes the relative increase in urine output. Warm stimulation can cause renal vasodilation and enhance diuresis. But in the hot bath, due to a lot of sweating, urination decreased. Blood circulation improves after a long warm bath, and the excretion of sodium salts and urea increases during the day and night.
on sweat secretion
After the hot bath, the secretion of sweat glands is strengthened, a large amount of sweat is discharged, a large amount of sodium chloride is lost, and the body is weak. Individual patients with excessive sweating should be supplemented with salt water. With sweating, harmful metabolites and toxic excretion increased. In this way, the fluid is lost, the blood is concentrated, and the water in the tissue enters the blood vessels, which promotes the absorption of the exudate.
on Breathing
momentary cold stimulation deepens inhalation, sometimes breathing stops and deep exhalation, and the respiratory rhythm deepens. Thermal stimulation can cause rapid and superficial breathing, and slow breathing after a long warm bath.
on the nervous system, blood and metabolism
the whole body warm water bath can cause body fluid viscosity and the proportion of the increase, hemoglobin increased 14%, red blood cells increased more than one million, white blood cells also increased, the oxidation process accelerated, basal metabolic rate increased. Cold water bath increases fat metabolism, gas metabolism and blood circulation, promotes the absorption of nutrients, and excites nerves. Folk commonly used cold water sprinkler head and face to help unconscious people wake up. After a hot bath, the first nerve is excited, and then the whole body is tired, weak and sleepy.
Key words: hydrotherapy system; vortex hydrotherapy system; hospital; medical products; exercise rehabilitation